Part Of Speech | Descriptor | Example |
Noun | A noun is the name of a person, animal, place or thing. It can also be an idea or emotion. Possessive noun is used to show possession for a person or an animal. | a. Halim wants to be an engineer. b. Pulau Tioman is a beautiful island. |
Pronoun | A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. Reflexive Pronouns refer to the subject of the sentence. They are used to emphasize the subject of the sentence. | a. The children like ice-cream. They like chocolates too. b. Daud is an obedient son. His perents love him very much. |
Verb | A verb is a word or group of words that describes an action. | a. Students usually sleep late. b. We walk home everyday. |
Adjective | An adjective is a word that describes a noun or a pronoun. | a. The windows look clean. b. She started her swimming lessons last week. |
Adverb | An adverb is a word that describes a verb. | a. Sham leaves the room quietly. b. Adibah cleverly answered the question. |
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